Title Insurance and Closing Services Since 1954
Power of Attorney(s):
If you or your spouse or any other borrower will not be able to attend closing, you will need to notify us and your lender of that situation. If your lender will allow a Power of Attorney to be used in the closing for the party that will not be able to attend, you can have your own Attorney prepare the Power of Attorney according to the Lender's guidelines and our guidelines or our Attorney's office can prepare the Power of Attorney for you at standard cost.
If there is a power of attorney involved from any buyer to an Attorney in Fact, to sign on their behalf, and you already have a Power of Attorney prepared and signed, please fax or email a copy of the Power of Attorney document to our office and to your lender as soon as possible. Our office and your lender must approve the Power of Attorney prior to the closing.
We must have the original signed and notarized Power of Attorney brought to our office as soon as possible. The original Power of Attorney will have to be recorded in the county records prior to the recording of the mortgage or any other documents you as a buyer would sign.